Cooling Chamomile Cubes DIY

Chamomile ice cubes

Woooohooo! Hi everyone!

Hope you are having the most beautiful week! I have just been absolutely LOVING the sun we have been having, and especially getting outside for my daily walks every morning. It has been so hot a few times I have walked into the ocean fully clothed in my workout gear at the end of my workout! Bliss! It is definitely on the top of my gratitude list that we live close enough to the ocean to be able to do this! 

This week on the blog we have literally the quickest & easiest DIY you could imagine. You probably have the ingredients already available to you in your kitchen cupboard and if not it will cost you less than $10 to stock up! Using chamomile to refresh, reduce redness and inflammation & just give yourself a little #selflove and care time because you TOTALLY deserve it. Chamomile is used in our CLEAN Butter Cleanser and our SUPPLE Silk Serum. It is especially useful for sensitive, puffy, or inflamed conditions. Chamomile promotes healing and cell regeneration, balances sebum production and is useful for both oily and dry skin types to restore and hydrate. It is non-toxic and non-irritating- even safe for sensitive skin types and babies!

Chamomile tea


For this weeks tutorial we are using the Camille tea from The Vegan Teahouse but you can also just use chamomile flowers (you could even pick them!) or tea bags from your local store (organic is best). We have chosen to use Camille for a few reasons:

  1. Supporting local business rocks. Especially super ethical business like TVT. We love their values and that everything they make is vegan, cruelty free, palm oil free, handmade and also supports other local business’s.
  2. Camille tea also contains lemon myrtle, which is an Australian native. It has AMAZING anti-bacterial properties and can help acne prone skin and also eczema (Helllllloooo me! ) by healing. It also smells amazing and has uplifting qualities.
  3. Camille tea also has ginger which is packed full of anti-oxidants. It can help heal scars, improve skin elasticity and protect against aging.
  4. You can also use Camille tea for a facial steam bath (we will write about this another time!) or to throw in your actual bath so I recommend ordering a few packs to keep one next to your teapot and one in your bathroom drawer!

Just a side note this is NOT a paid promotion! I don’t do that and I am recommending TVT because I truly use and love all of their products!

Ok ok, the thing you’ve all been waiting for! HOW TO

  1. Grab a teapot, grab some Camille, throw ‘er in! I used 3 Tablespoons and one 2 pot teapot.
  2. Fill with boiling water and seep for at least 5 minutes. Give it a stir every few minutes. I stirred three times, poured myself a cup to enjoy with a good book and then left the remainder of my concoction till it cooled.
  3. *Optional* for those of you who love this sort of thing you can also infuse your tea with a little love (or whatever you believe you need at this time in your life). Choose something that you want to feel whenever you use this little pot of goodness and focus that on the pot every time you give it a stir. Say it out loud! I said “this tea is infused with love”.
  4. Once your tea is completely cooled pour into ice-cube trays. Pop in the freezer and freeze over night.
  5. Whenever you need a little pick me up- pull a cube out of the freezer and rub over your face, neck and chest (I would say décolletage but lets face it, who even knows how to say that word!). I recommend cleansing your face first and using before applying moisturiser. It will help to close your pores and you don’t want to trap any dirt in that may be on your skin! If you are feeling extra decadent do a face mask before hand too. Ours is great by the way 
  6. This is great for reducing redness and irritation- especially if you have a new pimple forming, a patch of eczema or sunburn. But keep the ice-cube moving in a continuous motion because ice-burn is also a thing yo. Also
    avoid any broken/ open skin (scratches etc).
  7. Leave the tea on your skin to soak in/ evaporate or pat dry with a clean towel and apply your favourite moisturiser. I usually do this at night and this is the time I like to slather up and use a serum and a moisturiser so it’s like a mini treatment before bed! I wake up with the SOFTEST skin in history. True story.

Hope you enjoyed this mini DIY! Please comment below if you love this kind of tutorial and I can look at sharing more for you. If you get a chance to give this a go share your pics on Instagram and use our hashtag #DSskincareDIY and tag us @deliciousskin so we can see!

Until next week!

xoxo Nicola Marie.